From our Memorial Service on Sunday.
Let us pray,
Four years ago today, four teams from the terrorist group known as Al Qaeda used passenger planes to attack America. Shortly before 9am, the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center with a second striking the South Tower minutes later. Within the hour, a third plane had struck the pentagon and a four attack was averted only after hijackers were overpowered by the heroic actions of several passengers.
By noon, thousands of Americans including more than 250 firefighters, police officers and medics were dead as the towers fell.
Today, we stand at ground zero for Hurricane Katrina, a storm that may very well have claimed the lives of more than 10,000 Americans by the time the final death toll is known and one of the greatest natural disasters in the history of our country. As we look into the faces of these families here at the Bay of St Louis and southern Mississippi, and think back to the events of 9-11, we can only imagine just a portion of the horror these people have seen and felt.
We stand here at the flag of our country, our homeland and the symbol of our resolve to overcome those forces that have harmed the citizens of our great nation. Regardless of the cause, whether by the brutal actions of terrorist or natural disaster, this country will do what must be done. We pray for the safety of our troops around the world, the victims of this tragic and catastrophic event, and pray for the safety of everyone who has selflessly gave of their time and talents to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors here in Mississippi. All these things we ask in your name,
Footnote: The flag was donated by someone who came to the hospital shortly after we were open. Several enterprising members rigged a rope over one of the light standards and a flagpole was created.
Also, after looking more closely at this photo, do you know what is special about this flag?
Randy Kearns
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